About Us

KARL STORZ Endoscopy Center of Excellence in the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation
The Sheik Zayed Institute is home to the KARL STROZ Center of Excellence established in 2016. The center boasts state of the art surgical towers, laryngoscopy equipment and microlaryngeal surgical instruments reflecting innovations in the latest tools and techniques for airway surgery.
Founded in 2010 through a $150 million gift from the government of Abu Dhabi, the mission of the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation is to make pediatric surgery more precise, less invasive, and pain free.
In its very short existence, the Institute lists among many achievements creating a strong infrastructure for R&D and a network of product and medical device development experts, and seasoned veterans in venture capital, technology commercialization, and intellectual property. The institute is process-driven and outcome-focused. It is comprised of multi-disciplinary teams that apply rigorous process management from conception to marketed product through creative partnerships in academia and industry.
The Institute was founded with four major clinical themes to transform pediatric surgical innovation and intervention. These are in:
- pediatric pain and anesthesia
- immunology
- bioengineering
- systems biology
The Institute currently has more than 20 investigators primarily affiliated with the institute and more than 70 technical and scientific staff, including postgraduate and graduate students and fellows. The Institute is further supported by, and has access to, more than 600 clinicians and clinician-scientists with Children’s National and the Children’s Research Institute, the research arm of Children’s National.